Monday, September 15, 2008

Lost in Translation

I left a comment on a post over at Momformation . My comment was taken way out of context and now I actually feel kind of bad about it. I obviously didnt get across what I was trying to say very clearly. I guess it didnt help that I wrote a second comment before the posters reply came up, so then she must have thought I was a real dick. Anyhow, I apologized... it's done.

This is the thing that I dislike about all the online chat/ texting. It's way too easy to miss what someone is actually trying to say when you can't hear the tone of voice or read the body language. Through computers, cell phones, blackberries, ect... all day, everyday conversations are lost in translation. Suddenly two people who are fighting the same fight are just plain old fighting. Grrr, I love technology, but what a pain in the ass sometimes.

Once again, Kristina over at Momfo, I didnt mean to kick you when you were down. Wasnt my intention at all.


Andrea Frazer said...

Heck, everyone gets their feathers in a bunch. Don't sweat it. If I didn't make it clear, as my URL points to my personal website, I write with Kristina and Betsy at Momfo. Andrea.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just came across your blog. As I said, the lost in translation is my fault, as I thought you were an American telling us how great U.S. health insurance is. You're right though, we were talking about the same issues, on the same side.

Anyhow, I found your blog and love it. Also discovered we both have girls named Zoe!

Thanks for being such a nice person. And I look forward to any posts you might do on pole dancing.